How Oli’s Boxship is Bringing Creative Play to Quarantined Kiddies
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While teaching in Beijing, Stef Lim asked her middle school students to show-and-tell their hobbies— only to be met by a sea of calculators. This moment motivated her to bring hands-on play back to today’s children, and the idea of Oli’s Boxship came to be.
With the goal of helping kids interact through play, Stef, alongside her sister Bem, decided to put a litmus out when she returned home to the Philippines. They set up a play booth at their niece’s first birthday party, and despite their initial fear of being outperformed by tablets and gadgets, the kids lined up towards the booth for an afternoon full of hands-on activities.
From then on, the sister duo have become the captains at the helm of Oli’s Boxship, the first subscription box service in the Philippines dedicated to DIY science and art-themed activity kits for young children.